

An Introduction to Entrepreneurship

An Introduction to Entrepreneurship workshop gives a glimpse into the realities of small business ownership.  It "introduces" the issues that should be explored when considering owning and operating a business as a primary or sole source of income and financial development.  Some issues include:

  • Business myths and realities
  • Why businesses are formed
  • Avoiding failure
  • Choosing a legal entity
  • Financing the business

Discover what successful business owners know.  Leave with two important elements of achieving financial independence, knowledge and perception.

  • Format:  Live and interactive



Developing a Business Plan or Pro Forma

There is an adage most often attributed to Benjamin Franklin that states, "Failure to plan is planning to fail."  Achieving financial independence through entrepreneurship requires planning and performance.  Both are required toward success and accomplishment in any endeavor.  This workshop discusses the benefits of documenting strategies for business development.  Attendees will learn:

  • What is a Business Plan and Pro Forma
  • When these documents are needed
  • Where these documents fit in the grand scheme of business development
  • Why these documents are necessary
  • And more

Discover the myths, realities and effect planning and performance has on operating a business.

  • Format:  Live and Interactive



Incorporating Your Business

Creating a business is relatively simple.  The question of whether or not to form a legal entity complex.  The focus of this workshop includes:

  • Understanding the types and differences of each entity structure
  • Choosing the entity that is best suited for your needs
  • Dispelling the myths of incorporating
  • Learn the tax requirements of each entity
  • Dissolution of a legal entity
  • And more

It is often suggested to seek competent advice before incorporating and dissolving a legal entity, learn why.  Gain the knowledge that will enable you to make an informed decision to ensure that goals and intentions are met, both before and after formation.  In addition, learn what is required to dissolve a legal entity to ensure that the shareholders, officers and directors are protected, even after the dissolution.

  • Format:  Live and Interactive


Accounting, The Language of Business

Accounting is the universal dialect of business.  It is a language spoken in manager's meetings, boardrooms, and on Wall Street.  Written communications, used by lending institutions and investors, are in the form of financial statements.  This workshop will give attendees an understanding of the language of numbers.  Topics include:

  • Why accounting is necessary
  • The three steps of accounting
  • Choosing a basis
  • The accounting system
  • How to create, read, and interpret financial statements and much more

At the conclusion of this workshop, attendees will come to understand why accounting is the foundation on which successful businesses are built.

  • Format:  Live and interactive



Taxation, A Certainty of Business Operations

Benjamin Franklin stated, "Nothing is certain except death and taxes."  Taxation is an obligation faced by every business.  Every business owner should know how taxation affects his or her business.  In this workshop, learn:

  • The role of the taxing agencies
  • What is and what is not taxable
  • Payroll taxes
  • Exemptions, elections, and deductions that may benefit your business
  • And much more

In today's economy, there are tax advantages in owning a business.  Learn what these advantages are and how your business can benefit from them.

  • Format:  Live and interactive



The Going Concern of Business

There are four stages in the life cycle of business:  inception, growth, maturity, and decline.  There are constants and variables that affect each stage.  This Workshop:

  • Define each stage
  • Teach you to identify the constants and variables
  • Offer solutions to sustain continuity
  • And more

Successful businesses are properly managed, financially stable, compliant, and accountable.  Learn the techniques that build success.  Learn the theory of the going concern and how to apply it to the continuity of your business.

  • Format:  Live and interactive




Workshops are 3 hours in duration, with a 10 minute break between each hour.  A 30 minutes Q & A session follows the workshop.  Cost to attend, only $449.  Group rates and on-site presentations are available.  Contact us for more information.



Ph.:  770/ 434-1811

Fax:  770/ 434-7411


To connect with us via e-mail, please use the form located on the "Contact Us" tab.


The Kally Group, Inc.

2675 Paces Ferry Road, SE Suite 280

Atlanta, Georgia 30339  


Site Disclaimer:  The information contained in this site is offered as a public service and shall not serve as a substitute for legal advice.   Should your situation require legal counseling, please consult with an attorney familiar with your area of concern.

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