Entrepreneur Education

Socio-economic Development

The Kally Group's Socio-economic Development Program consists of entrepreneur education and our youth initiatives.  Entrepreneur education is available for individuals considering or new to business ownership, as well as seasoned owners and entrepreneurs.  Our youth initiatives, Introducing Youth to Entrepreneurship and What Youth Should Know About Taxes offers insights for children, adolescents, teenagers, and young adults in an effort to educate, empower, and prepare them for future aspirations.

Youth Initiatives

  • Introducing Youth to Entrepreneurship
  • What Youth Should Know about Taxes



Entrepreneur Education

  • An Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • The Business Plan and Pro Forma
  • Incorporating (choosing an entity)
  • Accounting
  • Taxation
  • The Going Concern of Business


The Kally Group offers solutions through counseling, education, and building relationships to assist entrepreneurs to succeed in their business endeavors.


"Success in business is a matter of choice. Unfortunately, like me, many business owners choose to focus on strategic ways of making money, deferring acquiring knowledge of the complexities and risks associated with forming and operating their businesses until confronted with compliance, regulatory, tax obligations, and operational deadlines."

The Characters of Business


The Characters of Business were created to describe the personalities and roles individuals play when considering or operating a business.  Their purpose is to illustrate that although owning and operating a business is a complex and serious endeavor, quite often, it is the choices made that determine success. 

D. Hookup's a business hustler by trade,

it's incorporated in his name,

Quick, easy, and cheap are his methods,

his claims to fortune and fame.

He only wants your money, will take it wothout any shame,

For that he boasts, he who has the most,

is the only player in the game


. B. Broke has a MBA, or so his story goes,

He listened to D. Hookup, and now he has no clothes.

I. B. made a bad decision, by choosing to be cheap,

But in business it goes to show, what you sow is what you reap.

Who Knows is counsel you want to know,

for he will help your entity grow.

D. Hookup's advice is based on greed,

Who's advice is focused on need.

An unfortunate fact is ninety percent of businesses formed fail,

but Who Knows goal is to see that your business prevails.


Jessica B. Wealthy's a client of Who,

whose business took off and grew.

She chose to listen with all her attention,

and added to the things she knew.

She humbly confesses, her personal wealth

was a balance of wants and needs,

Her only advice is "just do things right,"

and above all, avoid corporate greed.


Ph.:  770/ 434-1811

Fax:  770/ 434-7411


To connect with us via e-mail, please use the form located on the "Contact Us" tab.


The Kally Group, Inc.

2675 Paces Ferry Road, SE Suite 280

Atlanta, Georgia 30339  


Site Disclaimer:  The information contained in this site is offered as a public service and shall not serve as a substitute for legal advice.   Should your situation require legal counseling, please consult with an attorney familiar with your area of concern.

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