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Youth Initiative Materials

The Entrepreneur Education Division youth initiative's purpose is to provide comprehensive information that is vital to the socio-economic development of our youth.  Its goal is to make this information available to youth in a fun and informative manner.  The youth initiative's mission is to educate, empower, and elevate our youth's knowledge base, enabling them to compete and make factual informed decisions.


"Introducing Youth to Entrepreneurship" is a short story and activity book designed to educate and enpower youth with knowledge relevant to their socio-economic growth.  Developed for grades 4-12 and above.



 - 178 pages

 - 39 full color illustrations

 - 5 chapters

 - 4 short stories

 - 62 pgs of activities:  puzzles, definition match, essay questions, colorin and more.


Ph.:  770/ 434-1811

Fax:  770/ 434-7411


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The Kally Group, Inc.

2675 Paces Ferry Road, SE Suite 280

Atlanta, Georgia 30339  


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